Frightened Pet Rabbits: How To Help Them Lose Their Fear

Frightened pet rabbits - A cute bunny covering its eyes
A cute bunny covering its eyes

Hey there hoomans! It’s Floppy! I was scrolling through my Instagram feed this morning (yes… I’ve learned how to swipe) and I saw this Reel from a bun mom who was asking for advice about her bunny. It seems she is struggling to find ways to get her fluffy friend more comfortable and less fearful. She’s looking for ways to instill a little more of a secure feeling as any good bun mom would want to. Well, here’s the good news… I’m a rabbit. So I get how her bunny may be feeling. Frightened pet rabbits is a topic I can easily cover and offer some sage bunny advice. So let’s get to it!

The Comfort of Familiarity

Frightened pet rabbits can find comfort in what they know. So, step one, make sure to set up our living space with familiar items. Comfy bedding, our favorite toys, and some tasty treats are a great place to start. This creates a safe haven where we can explore and start feeling at home.

Speak Softly, Move Slowly

When it comes to us rabbits, a gentle approach goes a long way. Your tone of voice matters more than you might think. Speak in soothing tones, like a gentle breeze rustling through the leaves. And when you move around us, do it slowly and deliberately. Sudden movements can be super scary and send us hopping for cover.

Down to Our Level

Imagine if a giant picked you up without warning – you’d be startled, right? Well, we rabbits often feel the same way. Getting down to our level shows us that you respect our space. Sit on the floor and let us come to you. It’s a whole lot less intimidating for us, and we’ll feel more comfortable approaching you for pets and cuddles. This one concession on your part probably goes the furthest at helping frightened pet rabbits gain confidence.

A Treat Here, A Treat There

Treats – the universal language of love for bunnies! Offering us treats creates positive associations with your presence. When you give us a yummy snack, we start to link your appearance with something delightful. Soon, we’ll be excited to see you, expecting treats and cuddles every time.

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Riakrum 40 Pcs Grass mats for Rabbits

Niubow Professional Nail Clippers

Small Pet Select – Hair Buster Comb for Rabbits

Patience Is Key

Remember, my dear humans, we’re not like dogs or cats. We need a bit more time to warm up to new things. Be patient with us, and let us set the pace. If we seem unsure about exploring a new space or interacting, don’t force it. Just be there, ready to offer support when we’re ready.

Playtime, Playtime!

Playtime is when we truly let loose and show our personalities. Engage us in interactive and fun activities. Use toys and games that pique our curiosity, like tossing a cardboard box or setting up a little obstacle course. As we start to have more fun, our shyness will take a backseat.

The Power of Routine

You know how routines can be comforting for humans? Well, they work their magic on us rabbits too. Stick to a daily routine, like feeding us at the same times and letting us explore during specific hours. This predictability helps us feel secure and less anxious.

Facing Fears Together

Sometimes, you might notice us acting skittish for no apparent reason. That’s when you should offer a reassuring presence. Sit nearby, talk softly, and let us know you’re here to protect us. Your companionship gives us the confidence to face our fears head-on.

So there you have it, my fellow furry friends and amazing humans! With a little patience, understanding, and a sprinkle of treats, frightened pet rabbits can shed fear and embrace a world that’s not so scary after all.

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