Cleaning Up Pet Rabbits Hay: Eight Best Ways

Cleaning Up Pet Rabbits Hay - Bunny playing on the floor
Bunny playing on the floor

Hey! Floppy here. Today, let’s hop into a subject that leaves us all a little twitchy: cleaning up pet rabbits’ hay. Yes, I know, it’s a whole mess sometimes—literally! We bunnies love our hay. I also understand that it might give our humans a bit of a headache when it scatters everywhere. So, let’s dig into eight best ways to clean up without your vacuum cleaner turning into a hay monster!

Why Is Cleaning Up Pet Rabbits’ Hay So Tricky?

Okay, before we dive nose-first into our list, let’s have a quick chat on why cleaning up pet rabbits’ hay can be a hassle. Hay is super important for us bunnies. It keeps our tummies happy and our teeth healthy. But it can be fibrous and clumpy, which is no good for those regular vacuums. You know, the ones that go “VRRRRR” and scare the fluff out of me? Yeah, those!

The Classic Broom and Dustpan

Hoomans, listen up! The old-fashioned broom and dustpan is a classic for a reason! Simple, effective, and no “VRRRR” sounds. A lot of you may think you can’t use a broom on carpet. Actually you can, and it’s great for largest pieces of hay.

Getting Into Corners

For those tricky corners where I usually like to stash some secret snacks, a handheld broom and dustpan will do the trick! Small and simple, you can keep a set like the one I just linked hanging on the wall of your bunny room to be ready at a moment’s notice.

Rubber Bristle Magic

Rubber bristle brooms (which are often referred to as carpet rakes) are amazing! The rubber bristles grab hay like I grab a yummy carrot. Plus, it’s easier for bun mom and bun dad to clean afterward. These things make all the sense in the world!

Roll it Up!

No electricity needed, just good old arm power. Manual carpet sweepers are good at grabbing up the hay. This one actually has a couple great reviews from bun parents who say it does indeed get the job done! It’s a quiet option too, so no bunny will be scared away from their munchies.

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PAWAii Wireless Pet Water Fountain Pro

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Learn more here.

Sticky Solutions

Pet Hair / Lint Rollers are great at picking up hay. Admittedly better for smaller jobs and smaller hay particles, but they are relatively cheap and good to have on hand. Bonus tip: If you bunny is ok with it, these rollers can also be a gentle way to remove loose fur from your bunny’s back. My friend 8-bit actually loves it!

Towel Time

Get a towel a little damp and sweep the hay right up! It sticks to the towel like I stick to my favorite blankie. This again is a better solution for smaller messes, but you can also do it with two things you’ll already have – a towel and water. Yay for low tech solutions!

The Mighty Shop-Vac

If you do need to go the vacuum route, a Shop Vac is the way to go. They are a lot less prone to clogging than the normal vacuums you hoomans use. Just don’t forget to give it a good emptying!

DIY Solutions

Never underestimate simple hooman ingenuity. One fun DIY idea is to use a piece of cardboard. Slide it along and gather that hay into one big pile for easy pickup.

Hop to It: Start Cleaning Up Pet Rabbits’ Hay Today!

So, there you have it! Eight awesome ways to tackle the hay-tastrophe without having to call in a vacuum cleaner rescue team. Next time you find yourself scratching your head over cleaning up pet rabbits‘ hay, just remember: Floppy’s got you covered!

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