Carrying Pet Rabbits: How To Train Your Bunny To Be Held

Carrying pet rabbits - A bunmom holding her rabbit.
A bunmom holding her rabbit.

Hey everybun! Floppy here, and today we’re gonna dig into a topic that my bunny friends and their humans often ask about: carrying pet rabbits. You see, not all of us bunnies enjoy the idea of being lifted off our paws. We like to feel grounded, you know? But, there are times when even a sassy rabbit like me has to be held or carried, so it’s important to train us to be comfy with it.

What do I need to know about carrying pet rabbits?

Carrying a pet rabbit is not like carrying another animal such as a cat or dog. They have special considerations based on bone structure and natural conditioning. So, let’s explore all the ins and outs.

Why Some Bunnies Don’t Like Carrying and Holding

First of all, let’s get into our little bunny brains for a moment. We’re prey animals, okay? So being lifted off the ground feels a lot like being scooped up by a big, scary bird. Yikes! But here’s the good news: not all of us are scared of our humans, we just need a little reassurance that the sky isn’t falling.

The “Low-Ground” Technique for Carrying Pet Rabbits

Now here’s where it gets juicy! One of my favorite techniques that my bun mom and bun dad use is the “Low-Ground” Technique. They sit down on the floor with me, where I feel like I’m still in my kingdom, and gently start lifting my paws off the ground. This helps me get used to that “flying” feeling without actually leaving the earth. I think it’s genius, to be honest.

The Partial Lift

Start with a partial lift where you raise only our front paws. Oh, and give us some head pets too. That always makes us feel like royal bunnies. Do this repeatedly but not too often. We don’t want to turn this into a dreaded routine, do we?

The Cradle Hold

Once we’re okay with the partial lift, you can progress to the cradle hold. Just cradle us next to you without lifting us off the ground. Ah, the warmth of your body makes us feel secure and loved!

Floppy Recommends…

Riakrum 40 Pcs Grass mats for Rabbits

Niubow Professional Nail Clippers

Small Pet Select – Hair Buster Comb for Rabbits

Treats, Treats, and More Treats!

Everybun loves a treat, right? Every time I let my humans lift me, even if it’s just a tiny bit, they reward me with a treat. Yum! It makes me think, “Hey, being carried isn’t so bad after all. It’s actually delicious!” So, remember to give your rabbit a little nibble of something yummy after each successful carry.

Consistency and Patience in Carrying Pet Rabbits

Alright, listen up, dear humans! Consistency and patience are your best friends here. Make a schedule and stick to it. Start with short, frequent sessions. Maybe once a day for just a couple of minutes. Read our bunny body language. If we’re stressed, give us some space to hop around and relax.

Other Considerations for Carrying Pet Rabbits Safely

While you’re at it, there are a couple more things to keep in mind. Always use two hands—one for our front paws and one for our back paws. Support is crucial! And never, ever hold us by the scruff of the neck or the ears. That’s a big no-no! Seriously. Never. Ever. Never. Period.

Time to Wrap it Up!

So there you have it, bunny lovers! Carrying pet rabbits doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With some patience, lots of love, and a sprinkle of treats, we’ll come to associate being carried with good vibes. Just remember, we’re all individuals. What works for one bun might not work for another. But with the right technique and a whole lotta love, you’ll have us hopping into your arms in no time!

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