Ask Floppy - Floppy
Floppy IRL

Questions? Then Ask Floppy!

Ask Floppy a question? Seriously? Actually ask a rabbit?!?!

Who Would Know Better Than Floppy?

As a rabbit, Floppy has very personal insights into many of the questions that humans will have about the best pets on the planet. (Sorry dog lovers. I mean, we love dogs too. But rabbits are just super cool.) If you ask Floppy a question, you’ll get a response from a rabbit’s point of view.

It is Floppy’s Website After All

Floppy asked her humans to create this site in order to help humans better understand their rabbits. But that also means it’s her website! So, if Floppy wants to answer questions, who are we humans to tell her otherwise?

Of Course It’s All In Good Fun

Rabbits have a hard time typing. Floppy is no different. So, when you ask a question, yes, her humans will act as her proxy and answer on her behalf. But Floppy insists that the answers be valid ones, so you will get the best information that can be found.

Ask Floppy A Question

Fill out this form to submit your question to Floppy. She is excited to hear from you, and she stands ready to help you and your rabbit in any way she can. Floppy will even take the best questions and blog about them! Click here to read her posts.


  • Floppy asks that you be respectful. Rabbits have feelings too.
  • Please make sure your questions are only in regards to pet rabbits.
  • By submitting a question you agree to receiving future communications from Ask Floppy. You can opt out at any time.
  • Floppy can only provide general information and help. If you have specific concerns about your pet rabbit, you should always seek out a qualified professional.
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