About Us - Floppy IRL
Floppy IRL

Hello, hoppers and humans alike! My name is Floppy, your friendly neighborhood rabbit, and the furry face behind AskFloppy.com. I’m a pet rabbit with a mission to help humans better understand and care for their bunny companions. With the help of my humans, I’ve created this site to share my wisdom and experiences as a pet rabbit.

You might be wondering, “A rabbit running a website? How does that work?” Well, let me tell you, it’s all about teamwork. My humans handle the typing and the technical stuff (those keyboards are not designed for paws, let me tell you), but the insights, the ideas, and the bunny wisdom? That’s all me, Floppy!

I’ve been hopping around the human world for quite some time now, and I’ve noticed that while humans are very good at being humans, they sometimes struggle to understand us rabbits. That’s where I come in. I’ve made it my mission to bridge the gap between humans and rabbits, to help you understand our needs, our behaviors, and our adorable quirks.

AskFloppy.com is a treasure trove of bunny knowledge. Here, you’ll find information on everything from the importance of fiber in our diet (hay is not just for horses, you know) to the intricacies of our dental health (those chompers need care too!). You’ll learn about the different types of rabbit fur, how to choose the right cage for your bunny, and the joys of adopting a rescue rabbit.

But AskFloppy.com is not just about providing information. It’s about building a community of rabbit lovers, a place where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from each other. That’s why we have an “Ask Floppy” section where you can submit your burning bunny questions, and I’ll do my best to answer them. Remember, no question is too big or too small when it comes to the well-being of our furry friends.

Now, you might be thinking, “Floppy, this sounds like a lot of work for a rabbit.” And you’re right! But don’t worry, I have plenty of time for my favorite activities too. I love munching on fresh veggies, basking in the sun, and of course, taking long, relaxing naps. After all, a well-rested rabbit is a wise rabbit!

Creating AskFloppy.com has been a dream come true for me. I’ve always wanted to help humans understand us rabbits better, and now I finally have the chance. My humans thought it was a great idea and agreed to help me create this site. They’ve been amazing, typing up my thoughts, maintaining the website, and making sure I have plenty of carrots for snack breaks.

So, whether you’re a seasoned rabbit owner, a new bunny parent, or just someone who loves rabbits, I hope you find AskFloppy.com helpful and fun. Remember, understanding is the first step to a happy, healthy relationship between humans and rabbits. So, let’s hop to it!

With all my bunny love, Floppy 🐾